Mother God

Mother God

I read hundreds of picture books a year. Right now, at my toddler's request, I read some books hundreds of times. "Mother God" by Teresa Kim Pecinvosky and Khoa Le stands out among them all as one of my favorites. I am thrilled to add it to our family book basket and share it with you. Words and images can limit our understanding of God or help us near God. We limit God by only having a few ways to describe God. And we can near God through multiple words and images. Reading "Mother God" helps me expand my own images and understanding of God. It gives me hope in knowing that my child will grow up with feminine images in addition to the masculine images currently throughout my tradition's liturgical language.

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The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children

The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children

“The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children” by Katherine Paterson and Francois Roca invites the reader (and listener) into Jesus’ sacred story in a way that encourages wonder. As Easter Sunday approaches and we celebrate all of Jesus’ story, I encourage you to share this story with the young ones in your life in your own words and, if you’d like, the words of others.

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Go and Do Likewise!: The Parables and Wisdom of Jesus

Go and Do Likewise!: The Parables and Wisdom of Jesus

Jesus often spoke in parables, simple stories with a hint of strangeness intended to point to God’s nature and God’s kingdom. Often on first reading (or second or third), parables frustrate me. Why can’t Jesus be more to the point? However, when I imagine Jesus listing a bunch of rules, I imagine myself looking for loopholes and ways to bend what doesn’t feel comfortable. Jesus chose to tell parables, sacred stories with many right interpretations. Stories to be thrown alongside our life and wondered about. Sacred stories to return to over and over again.

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The Beatitudes: From Slavery to Civil Rights

The Beatitudes: From Slavery to Civil Rights

The Beatitudes bring up more questions than answers for me and I wish I could sit down with Jesus and ask him to say more. I am therefore grateful for people, art, and messages that enter into the Beatitudes with Holy imagination and make them come alive within our world. "The Beatitudes: From Slavery to Civil Rights" by Carole Boston Weatherford and Tim Ladwig does this beautifully.

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Home by Another Way

Home by Another Way

January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany and the end of the Christmas season. The Gospel of Matthew tells us that this is the day the magi arrived in Bethlehem, directed by angels and guided by a star, bringing gifts to Jesus. The magi go home by another road. Little else is known about them, although a robust tradition has grown around them over time, including their number (three) and their names (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar).

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The Night of His Birth

The Night of His Birth

The Night of His Birth by Katherine Paterson and Lisa Aisato imagines what Mary is feeling, thinking, and experiencing before and after Jesus' birth, including her impressions of her loved ones' reactions to her pregnancy. Beginning "Sing out, my soul, the wonder..." the words and images are both earthy and ethereal, inviting wonder beyond what is in the pages of our Bible.

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The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

One of my favorite youth retreat exercises is to wonder what the Lord's Prayer means in our everyday life. The results are always inspiring. Some groups translate it into their own language, others illustrate the prayer, and a few put it to song. Revisiting these words that we know so well and read today/this Sunday, July 28, can enliven our faith. In this month's book, "The Lord's Prayer," illustrator Tim Ladwig does just that.

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Maybe God Is Like That Too

Maybe God Is Like That Too

One of the ways our faith shapes our life is by shaping our Holy imagination, an imagination that helps us wonder about and see God at work in the world and our lives. At times this task can feel daunting or too abstract to teach our children. And in some ways, children embrace Holy imagination better than adults and our job is to encourage what they already notice. "Maybe God Is Like That Too," by Jennifer Grant and Benjamin Schipper, explores children's Holy imagination.

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